Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly calls for contributions to a special issue entitled, "Conceptual and Empirical Studies into Equity Gaps."
Equity gaps are differences between groups that violate notions of equity. They exist at all ages and at all levels of education. They affect many different groups (e.g., gender gap, ethnic gap, social gap) and occur in a variety of forms (e.g., opportunity gap, achievement gap, excellence gap, confidence gap). The goal of the special issue is to document the multifaceted nature of the equity gap phenomenon, examine causes, and explore possible solutions for closing equity gaps. Conceptual, review, and empirical papers are welcome. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.
Deadline for paper submission: Aug 31, 2022
Research Paper
Research papers focus on the original theory or empirical research. English manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, footnotes, references, and appendices).
The title page should contain the title, abstract (maximum 600 words) and keywords (4 to 8). The abstract should contain the purpose, design/methodology /approach, findings, originality/value, and implications for policy/practice. Each item should be written in different paragraphs.
Guess Editors
Prof. Dr. Albert Ziegler
Chief Guest Editor
Educational Psychology and Excellence, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Research expertise: Talent development, Learning resources, Learning environment, Mentoring
Prof. Dr. Michaela Gläser-Zikuda
Chief Guest Editor
School Education and Instructional Research, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Research expertise: Emotions, Well-being, Social relations in education, Self-regulated learning in school and higher education, Formative assessment and feedback, Qualitative research methods and mixed methods research
Prof. Dr. Sen-Peng Eu 游森棚教授
Chief Guest Editor
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Research expertise:Algebraic combinatorics, Enumerative combinatorics, Algebraic graph theory, Gifted education in mathematics
Prof. Dr. Hsiao-Ping Yu 于曉平教授
Chief Guest Editor
Department of Special Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Research expertise:Gifted education, Career counseling, Administration of special education, Curriculum and teaching
For submission questions, please contact Professor Peiying Chen at pychen@ntnu.edu.tw or Contemporary Education Research Quarterly <cerecerq@gmail.com>
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Center for Educational Research and Innovation, National Tawain Normal University
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