Author Guidelines
1. The Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly is an educational academic journal that aims to disseminate educational research results, promote academic exchange, and elevate the standard of educational research.
2. The journal publishes four issues in one volume each year, respectively in March, June, September, and December, with call for papers as necessary. The journal welcomes submissions of research papers in both English and Chinese in education-related fields. In particular, articles that can lead, reflect, and reflect on contemporary educational research issues and achievements are appreciated.
3. The journal is open for submissions throughout the year in the following fields:
(1) Philosophy and History of Education: including philosophy of education, history of education, and educational trends.
(2) Educational Administration, Policy, and Systems: including education and school administration, educational policy and systems, educational jurisprudence, educational economics, educational finance, comparative education, and educational development at all levels.
(3) Curriculum, Teaching and Learning: including curriculum, teaching, faculty research, teaching technology, student learning, and educational psychology research.
(4) Educational Evaluation, Assessment, and Methodology: including theories, research methods, and practices of educational evaluation and assessment.
(5) Social, Human, and Cultural Studies in Education: including educational sociology, educational anthropology, and cultural studies in education.
4. The Journal is open to innovative academic papers in a variety of formats, with the following types of submissions:
(1) Research paper: Innovative theoretical or empirical research in education, with a total word count of 20,000 words in Chinese or 10,000 words in English (including all diagrams, notes, appendices, Chinese and English abstracts and bibliographies, etc.).
(2) Scholarly commentary: Systematic commentaries, reflections and suggestions on educational theories, issues, research results, and practical development, both domestic and foreign with a total word count of 15,000 words in Chinese or 7,000 words in English.
(3) Research note: Systematic description, analysis, and discussion of current and relevant empirical research findings, innovative development of theories or concepts, and innovations in research methods or tools. A total word count of 15,000 words in Chinese or 7,000 words in English is required.
(4) Book review: The journal invites experts and scholars as deemed necessary to submit reviews of newly published books. Book reviews are subject to editorial review and approval before publication. A total of 5,000 words in Chinese or 3,000 words in English is required.
(5) Education observatory: Introductions and commentaries within 5,000 words on new knowledge, reform trends, and educational development in various countries. Education observatory is subject to editorial review and approval before publication.
5. Submission requirements:
(1) This journal is an online publication. Please submit articles to
(2) The submissions should be in Microsoft Word, with horizontal writing from left to right (12 point font, single line spacing), with page numbers.
(3) Please do not include any basic information that can be used to identify the author in the submission in order to facilitate the review process.
(4) English and Chinese abstracts:
i. Research paper: The title, abstract (within 1000 words) and key words (4-8) in Chinese on the first page, and the title, abstract (within 800 words) and key words (4-8) in English on the second page. The English and Chinese abstracts should contain the following items: (1) "Purpose of the study", (2) "Research design/methodology/approach", (3) "Research findings or conclusions", (4) " Originality/value of the study", and (5) "Educational policy recommendations or practical implications". All items should be itemized. Should there be any inapplicable sections, please specify those that are not applicable.
ii. Scholarly commentary: The title, abstract (800 words or less) and key words (4-8 words) in Chinese on the first page, and the title, abstract (600 words or less) and key words (4-8 words) in English on the second page. The English and Chinese abstracts should be written in paragraph form.
iii. Research note: The title, abstract (within 600 words) and key words (4-8) in Chinese on the first page, and the title, abstract (within 400 words) and key words (4-8) in English on the second page. The English and Chinese abstracts should be written in paragraph form.
iv. Book review: The title, keywords (4-8), and basic information of the book (see the format of the book) in Chinese and English on the first page, followed by the text.
v. Education observatory: The first page contains Chinese and English headings, key words (4-8), and continues with the text.
(5) Main text: including the main text (diagrams, notes, appendices) and references.
(6) All manuscripts in Chinese should follow the Journal's "Essay Writing Styleguide"; manuscripts in English should follow APA 7th edition guidelines.
(7) If a paper is rewritten from a research project, the research participants and the granting organization must be indicated at the end of the paper after it is accepted for publication; if a paper is rewritten from a degree thesis, the author(s), date, title, department and degree of the degree thesis must also be indicated at the end of the paper. Please do not include this information before the official publication notice is received.
6. Review Procedures:
(1) All submissions are subject to the Journal's review and will not be subsequently reviewed if they do not meet the Journal's formal requirements (detailed above).
(2) All articles published in the Journal are subject to preliminary review, two or more independent external reviewers, as well as editorial review, before publication.
(3) The journal retains the right to delete and revise articles for editorial purposes and has the right to decide the number of issues to be published.
7. Copyright Matters:
(1) If a submission has been subject to multiple submissions or infringes on the copyright of others, the journal will not accept any further submissions from such authors for a period of two years, in addition to the authors bearing related legal responsibilities. The so-called multiple submissions include those with different titles but similar contents, which have been published in other journals, or submitted to the journal and other journals at the same time.
(2) If a submission is reviewed and accepted, we shall notify the author to provide electronic files of the revised and final manuscript (saved in Word) and to sign a letter of consent for the transfer of copyright.
8. The journal accepts manuscripts throughout the year and will review manuscripts on arrival. In principle, manuscripts will be reviewed within six months of receipt.
9. The author shall bear the following costs:
If an article is submitted for external review, authors are required to pay an "administrative fee" of NT$2,000.
If an article is initially approved for publication by the editorial board, the author must commission an editor to edit the full article or abstract in English if the editorial board deems it necessary to send it to an editor. If the editorial reviewer considers that the article is unsatisfactory, the journal will send the article to an editor for the author, whose editorial costs will be borne by the author and will be accountable. In addition, after acceptance of the article for publication, the journal will only provide the author with a PDF file of the final version of the manuscript.
The authors will be responsible for the typesetting and printing costs as follows:
(1) Research papers: Taiwan authors are billed at NT$3,000 per article; foreign authors are billed at US$100 per article for printing and typesetting.
(2) Scholarly commentary: Taiwan authors are billed at NT$3,000 for one article; foreign authors are billed at US$100 for one article.
(3) Research Note: Taiwan authors are billed at NT$3,000 for one article; foreign authors are billed at US$100 for one article.
10. The Journal may invite scholars of academic repute in education-related fields to write special manuscripts, which shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Journal, but shall not be restricted by Article 9.
11. These regulations shall come into effect after approval by the Editorial Board of the Center; the same applies to amendments.
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly Reviewing Procedures
2004.11.26 Editorial Committee meeting approved
2006.12.01 Editorial Committee meeting amended and approved
2013.09.24 Editorial Committee meeting approved
2015.09.16 Editorial Committee meeting amended and approved
(Effective 2016.01.01)
2016.01.26 Editorial Committee meeting amended and approved
1. The journal's review process consists of four stages: format review, preliminary review, external review, and editorial review.
2. Format Review: The journal conducts preliminary format screening of manuscripts to verify the basic information of the contributors, whether the form of the submitted article meets the requirements, whether it conforms to the field of call for papers, and whether it conforms to the style of writing of the journal. If the article does not meet the above requirements, it will be supplemented, revised, or returned as appropriate.
3. Preliminary review: The field editor-in-chief of the article conducts the preliminary review. The field editor-in-chief decides whether to send the article for review based on the innovation or practical application value of the article and whether it violates research ethics, as well as recommends the list of external reviewers.
4. External review: The editor-in-chief shall select the review list recommended by the preliminary review and proceed with anonymous review. In principle, two reviewers are assigned to each article, but one or two more may be added if necessary. There are four types of review comments: (1) approved (2) approved with amendments (3) to be reviewed by reviewers after amendments (4) not approved. The journal refers to the following table as the principles for determining the outcome of external review:
Reference Principles for Determination of External Review Results
Reviewer 1
Reviewer 2
Approved with amendments
To be reviewed by reviewers after amendments
Not approved
Recommended for acceptance
Recommended for acceptance
Recommended for acceptance
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
Accepted with amendments
Recommended for acceptance with amendments
Recommended for acceptance with amendments
Recommended for acceptance with amendments
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
To be re-reviewed by reviewers after amendments
Recommended to be amended and sent to original reviewer for re-review
Recommended to be amended and sent to original reviewer for re-review
Recommended to be amended and sent to original reviewer for re-review
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
Not accepted
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
The field editor-in-chief to decide whether to send to the third review
Recommended for rejection
For those whose review results are "Recommended for acceptance" or "Recommended for acceptance with amendments", manuscripts shall be sent to the editor for review; for those whose review results are "Recommended to be amended and sent to original reviewer for re-examination", manuscripts shall be sent to the original reviewer for review after the author has revised or provided explanations; for those whose review results are "Recommended for not approval", manuscripts shall not be published in principle.
If either of the two external reviewers' opinions is "Accepted/Accepted with amendments/To be reviewed by reviewers after amendments" while the other opinion is "Not Accepted", in principle, the field editor-in-chief will decide whether to send the manuscript for third review.
For those manuscripts with the review result of "Recommended to be amended and sent to original reviewer for re-review", the journal shall send a letter to the author for revision, which shall be completed within two weeks. The author must send the revised article, together with the "correction explanation", to the journal, and the journal will submit it to the original reviewer for review. The review opinion will be divided into two levels: "recommended for approval" and "recommended for rejection".
5. Editorial review: Regardless of the final outcome of the external review, all manuscripts undergoing external review will be subject to editorial review. The editor-in-chief of the field will decide whether to publish the article or ask the author to make necessary corrections based on the quality of the article, the review comments, and the quality of the response, and if necessary, send it back for external review. Ultimately, the editor-in-chief will decide the final review result. In case of queries regarding the research methodology, the editor-in-chief of the methodology may be asked to review the article.
6. In addition to recommending suitable professional reviewers, the list of reviewers shall take into consideration the relationship between the submitter and the reviewer (e.g., paper supervisory relationship, colleague relationship, project collaboration relationship, etc.) and avoid unsuitable reviewers.
7. The editorial committee and the editorial administration shall keep the information of the submitters and reviewers confidential, whether during or after the review process.
8. The editorial committee members and editorial administrators of the journal shall recuse themselves from any manuscript submissions, and shall not handle matters related to their own submissions, access manuscript-related information, or participate in manuscript discussions.
9. Book reviews will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and the Field Editor-in-Chief.
10. Submitters must submit their requests for withdrawal of manuscripts in writing (by registered mail).
11. If an article submitted to the journal is withdrawn at the external review stage, the journal will not accept submissions from the submitter for two years.
12. These guidelines shall be implemented after the approval of the Editorial Committee meeting; the same applies to amendments.
Academic Ethics Standards
2017.11.27 Approved in the Editorial Committee Meeting
I. Editorial Committee and Editorial Administrative Staff
1. All manuscripts are reviewed in a "two-way anonymous" manner.
2. Neither the Editor-in-Chief nor the Editorial Committee members are permitted to inquire about the information of the submitter and reviewers during or after the manuscript review. The editorial administrative staff (editor-in-chief, executive editor, and editorial assistants) shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information on contributors and reviewers.
3. The list of reviewers shall be recommended by experts and scholars in the relevant fields, with consideration given to the relationship between the submitter and the reviewer (e.g., degree thesis advisor, colleague, research project collaborator, third degree relative, etc.) to avoid conflicts of interests.
4. Editorial Committee members and editorial administrative staff who are submitters of manuscripts shall recuse themselves from handling matters related to this submission, accessing manuscript-related materials, or participating in the discussion of the manuscript, whose duties will be arranged by the Editor-in-Chief.
II. Reviewers
1. The journal invites reviewers to objectively, impartially, and rigorously review manuscripts for their academic creativity, validity, and value for the purpose of ensuring the quality of the papers published and improving the journal's academic standards.
2. The reviewers are required to ensure that the citations, sources, and processing of manuscripts are comprehensive and consistent with the academic ethics.
3. For the purpose of facilitating academic progress in education, reviewers should provide specific, detailed, and constructive suggestions for revision to facilitate the improvement of submissions.
4. Reviewers shall abide by academic ethics and recuse themselves from any manuscript in which they have an interest. The reviewers are not allowed to disclose information about the review process or the content of the review.
5. In case a reviewer identifies that a manuscript under review contains similar content to other published papers or violates academic ethics, he/she should notify the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial administrative staff of the journal for appropriate handling.
6. Should the invited reviewers feel that they are not suitable or cannot complete the review within the time limit, he/she shall notify the Editor-in-Chief and suspend the review process.
III. Submitters of manuscripts
1. The submitters should guarantee that the content of the submitted manuscript is original and has not been published in any written form.
2. The submitted manuscript must comply with the requirements of the journal's manuscript guidelines.
3. If the submitted manuscript is a collaborative effort between two or more authors, the author who signed the consent form must notify the other co-authors and obtain their written consent before submitting the manuscript.
4. Before submitting a manuscript, please make sure that the manuscript complies with the relevant regulations and academic standards. In case of citations of text, diagrams, or photographs, please obtain permission or comply with academic use regulations. The journal will not publish any manuscript that involves fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other violations of academic ethics. If such a manuscript is published, the manuscript will be withdrawn with an announcement. In addition, the journal will notify the institution or school of the submitter who has violated the regulations and publish the information in the journal.
5. In case that a submitter has multiple submissions, for instance, articles with different titles but similar contents, or articles that have been published in other journals, or have been submitted to the journal and other journals at the same time, the journal will not accept any more submissions from the author within two years. In addition, the author shall be liable according to the relevant regulations.
6. Should a submitter identify any errors or incorrect information in the content of the submitted manuscript, he/she should notify the journal immediately, provide the correct information, and withdraw the manuscript or revise the content.
IV. Editorial and Administrative Regulations
1. The journal receives funding from the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the University's Research and Development Office, and the College of Education. Therefore it does not accept advertisements for commercial purposes.
2. The journal aims to maintain impartiality and objectivity when reviewing submissions, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, language, religion, political affiliation, viewpoint, nationality, or social origin of the contributors.
3. In consideration of the rights of the journal, any manuscript accepted for publication by the journal must be approved in writing by the journal in advance if others wish to reproduce, reprint, translate, or otherwise duplicate it.
4. Should a manuscript be submitted for external review or withdrawn after review and acceptance, the journal will no longer accept submissions from that submitter for two years.
5. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal has the right and responsibility to handle all manuscripts that violate academic ethics in accordance with the spirit of the Code of Academic Ethics and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
6. The journal reserves the right to refer any manuscript that violates academic ethics to the Editorial Committee. Once the Editorial Committee receives a report of a violation of academic ethics, the journal will handle the matter in a fair, professional, and confidential manner. We will also protect the confidentiality of the informant.
7. Should a manuscript be found or reported to be in violation of academic ethics, the editor-in-chief and the executive editor shall collect relevant information and evidence and then send it to the Editorial Committee for consideration and decision in accordance with the relevant regulations; during the process, the author may be asked to provide clarification.
8. In the process of reviewing and publishing manuscripts, editorial administrative staff, review committee members, and publishers shall follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Journal Editors and the Journal Publisher's Code of Conduct of the Journal Ethics Group to ensure that no violation of publication ethics or any misconduct in publication occurs.
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Center for Educational Research and Innovation, National Tawain Normal University
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