Education of Disadvantaged Students
2017 Special Issue of the Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly (CERQ)
Equity and quality in education is the goal for every education system to accomplish. In a sense, the extent of caring and recognizing the need of the disadvantaged show how civilization a society has been reached. Namely, the education of disadvantaged students matters most in the policy discourse. A good education of disadvantaged students benefits both individuals and societies. Individually, a child has the opportunity of realizing the potential and living on their own afterwards. For the society, good educated people not only boost economies’ capacity to grow and prosper but also enhance the well-being as a whole. Therefore, the importance of education of disadvantaged students cannot be overestimated.
The term of educationally disadvantaged students reflects an amalgam of populations composed. In general, the disadvantaged can be classified into various categories, including the mentally and physically disabilities, the aboriginal, and the socially disadvantaged. Given their deficiency inherent, they are prone to be underprepared for school and identified as the educationally disadvantaged students. Therefore, the education of the disadvantaged actually reflects a need to reach a mixed population of economically, culturally, socially disadvantaged and the like. In light of this, this special issue calls for papers dealing with the disadvantaged students to investigate important educational issues with policy implications.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. The theory, the current condition and the prospect for education of the disadvantaged
2. The states, challenges, and the prospects for the educationally disadvantaged in all educational levels
3. The policy design, contexts, and reflections on education of the disadvantaged
4. The program evaluation and regarding suggestion and recommendation on education of the disadvantaged
Important Dates
Full paper submission deadline: June 30, 2017
Notification of first decision: August 30, 2017
Notification of final decision: October 30, 2017
Guest Editors
Joshua D. Hawley, Ph.D., The Ohio State University, U.S.A.
Li-Yu Hung, Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Managing Editor
Shu-Chen Chiang, Ph.D., Tunghai University, Taiwan
Full paper submissions are due by June 30, 2017. The manuscript can be submitted in Chinese or English. The full manuscripts will be prepared in accordance with CERQ's Guidelines for Authors (please visit journal website: ) and subject to double-blind review based on the standard CERQ manuscript review criteria as well as relevance to the special issue. Full papers submissions must be done via online submission system (http://ojs.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/cerecerq/index). The results will be made available to authors on or before October 30, 2017, and they will have to make revisions in light of the reviewers’ feedback in 14 days. Accepted papers will be published in the December 2017 special issue of CERQ. For more information, please contact the Guest Editor at cerecerq@gmail.com
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