This paper describes the characteristics of personal narratives of young children from Kinmen, texture of childhood represented in these narratives, and the possible influence of context. Over a two-year period, the author collected the personal narratives of eighteen children in a kindergarten classroom in Kinmen. Stanza analysis was adopted to analyze the narrative structure. As to the contents, the author attended to how settings and characters were depicted in these texts. In regards to the form, a “multi-layered” narrative structure was typical for half of the children and two-thirds of the narrative texts contained evaluative elements. In terms of content, vivid sensory details were used to describe eating and playing. It can be inferred that a slow pace of life allowed the children to have an enhanced perception of their daily lives. The atmosphere surrounding the sharing time, the attitude of the teacher during the listening, and the nature of the probing questions might all have contributed to the full unfolding of these children’s narrative competence. A handsoff parenting style was an important context where the children depicted their siblings with multiple viewpoints. It is therefore proposed that children’s narrativescan serve as an important avenue in which researchers and teachers can better understand children and how they perceive their daily lives.
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