本研究旨在瞭解我國社區大學非正規教育認證課程教師教學過 程和策略,所呈現之成人學習特色。並檢視我國社區大學非正規教 育認證課程學員之學習成效與轉化學習。針對非正規教育課程認證 教師教學與學員之學習成效,提出非正規學習成效檢證的理論架構, 並對於未來發展提出相關之建議。
透過質性研究之紮根理論方法,訪談教師 5 名、學生 12 名,共 計 17 人的親身經驗。
本文認為非正規教育課程認證教師教學方法與學生學習評量需 符合成人學習評量設計,學生在社區大學之成人轉化學習,是個人 內在特質的連結,未來應提升社區大學非正規課程認證學習品質, 非正規認證課程成人之整體學習成效展現偏向實作與體驗學習,從 而非正規課程認證不是必要,但有一定程度幫助,品質保證只是加 乘作用,其中社區大學的宣導和配套措施是否完善,會決定課程認證制度之品質。
本文針對臺灣推動行之有年的非正規課程認證,以成人學習特殊 性視角出發,藉由以臺灣社區大學師生為訪談對象,探究教師教學策 略與學生學習成效,進行實證研究,能提供未來後續相關政策與議題 研究之重要參考。
This study aimed to understand the characteristics of adult learning by examining the instructional process and strategies adopted by instructors who taught nonformal curricula (NCs) at community colleges. This study also observed the learning achievement and results of transformative learning among the students who studied these courses. According to the assessment on the NC instruction approaches employed by instructors and the learning achievement of students engaging in NCs, this study proposed a theoretical framework on verifying the learning achievement associated with nonformal learning and provided relevant suggestions for future development.
By employing the grounded theory method for qualitative research, a total of 17 people, namely 5 instructors and 12 students, were interviewed to explore their personal experiences.
This study held that NC instructional methods for instructors and learning assessment for students should be designed according to the requirements of adult-learning assessment. Transformative learning occurred among adult students at community colleges, who connected with their intrinsic characters. Regarding the instructional quality of NCs at community colleges, the learning achievement of adult students who studied in NCs was focused on practice and experiential learning; thus, NC accreditation (NCA) helped increase NC quality through synergy, even though it was not required. In particular, promotions and complementary measures implemented by community colleges affected the quality of NCA.
This study examined the NCA that has been implemented in Taiwan from the perspective of adult learning by conducting empirical research. Instructors and students from community colleges in Taiwan were interviewed, and their instructional strategies and learning achievement were explored. The findings of this study can be a reference for the development of relevant policies and studies in the future.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Taiwan License.
Center for Educational Research and Innovation, National Tawain Normal University
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