以全國範圍抽樣之1,214 位國中8 年級學生樣本,採自填式問卷填答,應用潛在剖面分析(Latent Profile Analysis, LPA)及多元線性迴歸分析模型,控制家庭資本及人口變項檢驗變項之相關性。
This study aims to investigate the correlation between the frequency and patterns of youth participation in extracurricular activities and positive development. Drawing upon the positive development theory and zero-sum theory, the patterns of activity involvement, and the interaction effects within an urban and rural context were examined.
A total sample of 1,214 eighth graders was selected using a national-level random sampling approach. Self-administered questionnaires were used for data collection. The latent profile analysis and multiple regression analysis models were applied while controlling for family capital and demographic variables to examine the correlations among the variables.
The result supported the hypothesis of activity overload: those who participate in more extracurricular activities have a higher positive development. However, the positive development has declined as the level of participation in activities is over the threshold. Three subgroups of extracurricular participation were also identified. The result displayed “high participation group” and “moderate participation group” had higher positive development scores compared to the “low participation group”. The relation was moderated by urban and township areas.
This is the first study to examine the profile of participation in extracurricular activities, and its association with positive youth development, using a nationwide middle school students sample in Taiwan. This study not only fills the gap due to the lack of empirical studies in Taiwan but also brings out directions for future research and policy implications.
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Center for Educational Research and Innovation, National Tawain Normal University
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