The purpose of this study was to analyze the gender differencesbetween male and female Civics and Society teachers in theircurriculum transformation of gender issues as presented by textbooks.The participants of this study were two Civics and Societyteachers—one male and one female—as well as their students whowere senior high school students in northern Taiwan. This study is acase study which utilized participant observations, interviews anddocument analysis to collect data. Results showed that the maleteacher and the female teacher each had different interpretations ofgender issues because of their different individual gender experiences.The male teacher believed that the textbook was biased towardswomen’s rights. In response to this perceived bias he searched forand utilized different approaches that were not provided by thegender-imbalanced textbook. The female teacher agreed with most ofthe textbook supplied content and she attempted to uncover andcriticize gender discrimination. The male teacher emphasized theinfluences social structure has on gender experience, while the femaleteacher interpreted gender issues from the perspective of biologicalsex. This is a kind of gendered curriculum transformation. In addition,both teachers neglected to focus on the social construction of gendermeaning because of their limited gender experiences. There was alsoa gap between the teachers’ implemented curriculum and the formalcurriculum.
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