This study is to construct the Sustainable Leadership Indicators ofprincipals in elementary and junior high schools, and thereby to confirm theweight system of these indicators. Fuzzy Delphi Method and AnalyticHierarchy Process were adopted as the main research methods. Initially, aframework of the questionnaire had been developed for the SustainableLeadership Indicators of principals in elementary and junior high schools viaglobal research analyses in Sustainable Leadership of principals. And then, theFuzzy Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process Team, composed of twentyscholars in education fields and principals, was invited to offer opinions onthese indicators of principals in elementary and junior high schools, as well asthe selection and weighting, and accordingly construct the SustainableLeadership Indicators of principals in elementary and junior high schools. Thesustainable leadership indicators consist of five dimensions, orientationtoward moral and sustainability, sharing and cooperation in duty, active andprofessional learning, innovation development and inheritance, and theutilization and maintenance of resources, which cover ten units and fiftyelements.
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