近年偏鄉頻傳嚴重教師荒之報導。非營利組織《為台灣而教》(Teach For Taiwan,簡稱 TFT),招募多元背景青年,經過 TFT 甄選與培訓後,發派至高教師流動率的偏鄉小學擔任代理代課教師,填補教師人力空缺。在此背景下,本文為與 TFT 之合作研究案的主要成果,研究目標主要關切 NPO 組織成效,亦涉及釐清幾個與偏鄉教育有關的問題。
本研究結合問卷調查與準實驗設計,以 TFT 第四屆(C4)合作學校及其鄰近地區之非合作學校為調查範圍,共 35 所偏鄉小學,針對全校師生進行短期追蹤問卷調查。調查時間分為兩個波次:第一波為 C4 教師之教學起始點(2017 年 9 月),第二波為這群教師的教學結束時間(2019 年 6 月)。
(1)經歷 TFT 導師完整兩年教學的小朋友,在「自我效能感」上有顯著的正面影響。不過在「學習興趣」、「學習動機」及「自我概念」的變化則與其他小朋友沒有差異。(2)TFT 教師的教學效能感,兩年內從顯著較差提升至與其他教師無差異。這可被教學經驗所解釋。值得注意的是,合作學校的一般教師,第二波「教學效能感」之增長幅度顯著地較非合作學校的教師來得高。影響機制乃透過「教師進修行為」。這清楚顯示了 TFT 的外溢效果,即其獨特招募培訓模式之正面外部性。(3)兩波調查之間,相較於導師沒有更換,「第二年更換導師」對小朋友各方面(學習興趣、學習動機、自我概念)均有顯著負面影響。(4)「有無教師證」對學生自我概念可能有正面影響,但對其他三面向則無顯著影響;舊制或新制師培對前述四個面向多數無顯著差異,但若兩者均無,則對學生學習動機及自我效能有負面影響。教師年資則對學生某些面向的學習成長有負面效應。資深教師較無法提高孩子的學習興趣,也對孩子的「自我概念」不利。
本研究為少數以紮實的研究方法為 TFT 進行組織成效評估,並補足文獻不足,釐清部分偏鄉教育問題,可為未來政策研究提供範例。
In recent years, there have been severe teacher shortages in rural areas. Teach For Taiwan (TFT), a non-profit organization modeled after the renowned Teach For America, aims to address this issue by recruiting and training college graduates to serve as temporary teachers in rural schools. The current study aims to evaluate the efficacy of TFT intervention in rural areas and to address several key questions regarding rural education.
Collaborating with TFT, this project combines survey research and experimental design, and focuses on a total of 35 rural elementary schools, including both TFT partner schools and nearby non-partner schools, to evaluate the impact of TFT interventions in rural areas. The survey was conducted in two phases: the first wave at the start of the C4 teachers’ tenure (September 2017) and the second wave at the end of their mission (June 2019).
The research findings are as follows: (1) Children who experienced two full years of instruction from TFT teachers showed a significant positive impact on their "self-efficacy.", compared to other children, but no significant differences in "interest in learning," "learning motivation," and "self-concept". (2) The growth in "teaching efficacy" in partner schools was significantly higher than that in non-partner schools during the second wave. This was attributed to the mechanism of "teacher professional development". (3) Comparing between the two survey waves, changing teachers in the second year had a significant negative impact on various aspects of children’s education, indicating the importance of teacher stability. (4) The presence of a "teaching certificate" may have a positive impact on students' self-concept, but it does not have a significant effect on the other three dimensions. There were generally no significant differences between pre-service and in-service teachers regarding the aforementioned dimensions. Teacher seniority had a negative effect on certain aspects of students' learning growth. Senior teachers were less able to enhance children's interest in learning and had a detrimental effect on children's "self-concept."
This research provides a comprehensive evaluation of the organization's effectiveness using rigorous research methods and sheds light on some issues related to rural education. It serves as an example for future policy evaluations.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Taiwan License.
Center for Educational Research and Innovation, National Tawain Normal University
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