The proposed model was conceptualized by integrating the ideas of multilevel mediation together with an analysis of cross-level interaction. This study focused on the influences of intrinsic motivation and schools’ climate of creativity on the creative teaching performance of teachers. The participants consisted of 216 teachers from 35 elementary schools in Taiwan. Findings include: (1) professional selfactualization, challenge tendency, flow experience, and schools’ climate of creativity positively affected creative teaching performance. (2) schools’ climate of creativity played a role of negative moderating effects in the explanation for the relationships among challenge tendency and creative teaching performance of teachers, but schools’ climate of creativity also played a role of positive moderating effects in the explanation for the relationships among flow experience and creative teaching performance of teachers. (3) professional self-actualization, challenge tendency, and flow experience have a significant mediation effect on the prediction relationship of schools’ climate of creativity on the creative teaching performance of teachers. In other words, autonomy, challenge tendency and flow experience played a role of mediation, and challenge tendency, flow experience played a role of moderation. Based on the results, the study also provided some discussions and suggestions.
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