This study aimed to construct the Science Education Website EvaluationIndicators (SEWEI) from the perspective of learning strategy. The study appliedthe expert questionnaire, fuzzy Delphi method, and fuzzy analytic hierarchyprocess as the main methods. After systematic literature reviews with regardto learning strategy and website evaluation, the first frame of indicators wasestablished. The expert questionnaire was to modify the first frame of indicatorsand form the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire; the fuzzy Delphi method was to assessthe quality and the suitable degree of the indicators; the fuzzy analytic hierarchyprocess was to estimate the indicators weight. The major conclusions of thisstudy were listed as below: (1) There were 3 first-level indicators, 11 secondlevelindicators and 37 third-level indicators of the SEWEI, which contained anoverall consistency and measurable value. (2) The first-level indicators includedcognitive strategy, metacognition strategy and resource management strategy. Theweight of cognitive strategy was the highest among all first-level indicators. (3)The second-level indicators included rehearsal & selection strategy, elaborationstrategy, organizational strategy, practice strategy, planning strategy, monitoringstrategy, regulating strategy, time management, effort management, environmentalmanagement and feedback & support. The weights of feedback & support, practicestrategy, and rehearsal & selection strategy were the highest among those secondlevelindicators.
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