本研究針對參與釣竿自立方案的社經弱勢大學生進行問卷調查(n = 375),以結構方程模式分析「基本心理需求滿足和挫折量表」對於弱勢大學生之適用性,並探究影響生涯決定之因素。
首先,驗證性因素分析結果指出,「基本心理需求滿足和挫折量表」對弱勢大學生的適用性得到支持。此外,與尚未參與方案的釣竿生相較,已參與方案的釣竿生有較佳的基本需求滿足及較低的需求挫折感受(β= .14, p < .05; β= -.23, p < .001),但僅有需求滿足對於生涯決定之正向影響得到支持(β= .54, p < .001),而需求挫折對於生涯決定之影響並未達到顯著(p >.05);關於需求挫折如何影響生涯決定,仍有待後續研究進行探究。
This study applied self-determination theory to investigate the applicability of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS) to socioeconomically disadvantaged university students. Furthermore, it explored the effect of such students’ basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration on their career decisions, as well as analyzed the influence of their participation in career enhancement programs on said decisions.
A questionnaire was distributed to socioeconomically disadvantaged university students who participated in the “Youth Capacity Building Program (n = 375).” A structural equation model was employed to examine the applicability of the BPNSFS to the disadvantaged students. Finally, the factors affecting their career decisions were analyzed.
The results of a confirmatory factor analysis validated the applicability of the BPNSFS to socioeconomically disadvantageduniversity students. The students in the program exhibited higher basic need satisfaction and lower frustration scores than those who did not participate in the program (β = .14, p < .05; β = -.23, p < .001). However, whereas the positive effect of satisfaction on career decisions was significant (β = .54, p < .001), the effect of frustration on career decisions was nonsignificant (p > .05). The effect of basic need frustration on career decisions remains to be explored in further research.
This investigation clarified the influence of a career enhancement program on the basic need satisfaction and frustration ofsocioeconomically disadvantaged university students as well as on their career decisions. In addition, the importance of basicpsychological needs assessments to career counseling practice and program development was discussed.
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