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依據 ADDIE 教學系統,建置大學校園智慧零售課程與實作場域,依 Kirkpatrick 階層一與階層二評估學習成效,以先量後質的連續混合型研究方法,對參與計畫全體 18 位學生與 3 位老師進行問卷調查,並以計畫學習成績高中低分群抽樣 6 位學生,做深度訪談,訪談內容主要包含了學習面向、課程面向與科技面向等三個面向。

因此,教學成效問卷的研究結果顯示,學生認同本計畫可培育 「零售科技創新管理人才」與「服務模式設計才」,並且有信心能 成為「服務模式設計人才」與「零售科技創新管理人才」,符合未來企業發掘消費者需求與營運管理等關鍵能力的期待。
建議智慧零售未來的實作型教學規劃,智慧設備與系統整合應優 先建置,搭配足以模擬實際零售情境的交易量,才能在實作中體驗,透過智慧設備與消費者的互動與數據回饋,據以設計能為消費者提供價值的服務模式。

本研究價值在於大學校園智慧零售實作場域的建置,以及跨領域 與做中學教學計畫的導入,教學設計的成效回饋分析是正向的,鼓勵大學校園導入商業實作環境。





This article aims at studying the current Administrative Due Process on the deliberation of the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education. In the meanwhile, the requirements of the legitimate administrative process and the disputes over the legal nature of the curriculum guidelines are clarified for establishing a cornerstone of achieving the goal of Constitutional protection for the fundamental education right.

The ADDIE and Kirkpatrick models (Levels 1 and 2) were used as guidelines for building effective training and evaluating performance. A sequential mixed method was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews were designedto assess the reflections and learning performance from the 18 studentsand 3 faculty members. Given the responses from the questionnaires, we summarized learning, course and technology facets of the research for the follow-up in-depth interviews. By identifying and analyzing the important emerging topics through the interviews in the aspects of curriculum learning and technology, we validated the design of the questionnaires as well.

In terms of cognition, the students acknowledged that the course helped to master the trend of retail intelligence in the new retail era, to understand the connotation of smart retail, and to foster a key talent in the smart retail industry.
In terms of skills, the students agreed that the training helped to apply the knowledge and skills while they kept a smile to usher guests.
In terms of affection, the students, peers and teachers agreed that after participating in the project, students agree with the school's cross- disciplinary and learning-by-doing programs. The findings suggest that the participating students perceived that the mastery of intelligent retail trends is beneficial for their interpersonal communication and collaborative teamwork skills. In addition, the faculty members agreed that students’ understanding the meanings and implications of intelligent retail and attending the course’s training help to develop their confidence in and familiarity with operating an intelligent retail system. Furthermore, the faculty members found that the students’ skills have improved considerably and their interests in learning intelligent technology have enhanced as well.
Additionally, the students indicated that their potentials have increased in becoming innovation management talents and talents for the design of service models. They also considered that this program nurtured their innovative management skills in retail technology and thinking for the design of service models. Additionally, the students considered that this program nurtured their innovative management skills in retail technology and thinking for the design of service models. They also indicated that their potentials have increased in becoming talents for the design of service models and innovation management talents.
It is suggested that the intelligence equipment and system should be constructed in advance, coupled with simulations of retail scenarios and transactions for the future practice and teaching plan. Meanwhile, the incorporation of consumers’ interactions and numerical feedbacks needs to be considered in order to design a valuable service model for consumers.

The performance evaluation of an experimental smart store in university is a practical area. Overall, the “Cross-disciplinary Intelligent Retail” and “Learning-by-doing” projects are both perceived to be positive. Therefore, we encourage the introduction of this type of practice-based learning environment in higher education.

Education Policy/Practice Meanings
It is suggested that the Taiwanese government can encourage vocational universities and colleges to implement intelligent retail shops in campus settings and bring in resources from the industries and legal foundations to collaboratively construct and design the teaching. Thisinterdisciplinary collaboration will reflect the latest development trendsin intelligent retail.


Author Description: 
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University of Business, Taipei, Taiwan, Associate Professor, Department of International Business, National Taipei University of Business, Taipei, Taiwan, Associate Professor, Dep
Chang, H. H., Huang, C. K., Lin, C. J.(2019). A case study of intelligent retail talent cultivation in a university campus setting.Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 27(1), 1-37.
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