本研究主要是以教師個體層次之教學風格、教師專業發展與學 校層次之組織文化為自變項,綜合探討兩者對教師教學效能的影響, 除了了解教師教學風格與學校組織文化對教師教學效能的直接效果 外,更分析學校組織文化的調節效果以及教師專業發展的中介效果。
在研究方法上,使用自編之「教師教學風格、教師專業發展、 學校組織文化與教師教學效能關係之研究問卷」為研究工具,以臺 中市 30 所高中共 400 位教師為研究對象進行問卷調查,並運用階層 線性模式(HLM)來分析學校層次與教師個體層次間各變項的關係。
過去研究鮮少有將教師教學風格、教師專業發展以及教師教學效 能合併一起討論,更遑論是將教師專業發展視為中介變項來分析。另外,以統整角度檢驗這些因素彼此間的關係也不多見,所以,本研究 以多層次角度分析學校組織文化對於教師教學風格與教學效能關係間 之調節效果。
根據研究結果,本研究提出相關的討論與建議,包括:學校應該 要強化高中教師對於教師教學風格的認知,更要重視教師的專業發 展,以及塑造優質的學校組織文化,藉以提升教師的教學效能。最後, 對未來研究提出若干建議,以供後續研究之參考。
This study involved using teaching styles, professional developments of teachers and organizational cultures of schools as independent variables and investigating the effects of these two factors on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Additional analysis was conducted regarding the moderating effects of organizational cultures of schools as well as the mediating effects of teachers’ professional developments.
A total of 400 teachers at 30 high schools in Taichung City were investigated through teacher self-assessment; the employed questionnaires covered teaching styles, professional developments, organizational cultures of schools, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness and contained four subscales. Hierarchical linear model (HLM) was used to analyze the relationships among variables.
Teaching styles exert effects on the dimensions of teachers’ teaching effectiveness; teaching styles exert effects on the dimensions of teachers’ professional developments; teachers’ professional developments exert effects on the dimensions of teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Besides, teaching styles have indirect effects on teachers’ teaching effectiveness through the different mediating effects of teachers’ professional developments. Furthermore, organizational cultures of schools have effects on teachers’ teaching effectiveness; organizational cultures of schools serve as the moderator between teaching styles and teachers’ teaching effectiveness.
In the past few studies, teachers’ teaching styles, teachers’ professional developments, and teachers’ teaching effectiveness were rarely discussed together, let alone analyzing teachers’ professional developments as a mediating variable. In addition, the relationship among these factors is rarely examined from the integrated perspective. Therefore, this study analyzed the effects of organizational cultures of schools on the relationship between teachers’ teaching styles and teaching effectiveness from a multilevel perspective.
Based on the research results, this study proposes some discussions and suggestions that schools should strengthen high school teachers’ cognition of teachers’ teaching style, promote the professional development of teachers and create a good school organizational culture so as to enhance teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Finally, this study proposes some suggestions to the further future study.
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