體驗教育在臺灣近幾年已形成教育活動的趨勢,各大專校院已 將體驗教育開設於學分課程中,更加確切體驗教育在教育實務與學 術上的應用之廣,也是本文探討的體驗教育。透過體驗提升學生的 品格也是相關教育組織在實務上正在運作的模式,藉由體驗遊戲教 案分享,從中啟發學生們的品格教育。因體驗教育提供正向的教學 策略,學習者透過親身體驗的過程,進行對生活與環境的反思,從 中學習知識累積的教育訓練方式,提升自我成長之能力。主體從親 身經歷和反思過程中所獲得的認識和情感,因為生活經驗經過反思 學習過程的轉換後,提供知識的再運用,形成生活經驗,再次地經 過反思學習過程轉換,提升了知識運用的層次,並且再次形成生活 經驗,有效的教學應鼓勵學習者進行反思,共同建構出學習的環境。 特別是大專校院學生畢業後即將邁入職場工作,因此更需要培育這 群未來國家棟樑們,如何擁有面對未來環境變動所具備的品格信念 是本研究主要的核心理念。本研究將以體驗教育培養大專生帶得走 的品格信念指標建構為焦點,透過體驗教育能培養大專生帶得走的 品格信念指標之研究工具,對其指標之內涵與類型進行釐清與瞭解 為本研究主要目的。
本研究首先回顧相關文獻,主旨在於建構體驗教育培養學生 帶得走的品格信念指標量表,主要參考大學生基本素養測驗的情意 態度內涵、冒險教育生活效能量表(life effectiveness questionnaire, LEQ)、教育部發展品德教育促進方案提出六大品格支柱(The six pillars of character),由以文獻回顧整理指標量表,先後以深度訪談、 專家學者問卷諮詢修正以及問卷調查方式加以建構。
建構提出的體驗教育培養大專生帶得走的品格信念指標六種類 包括:主動助人、任務領導、溝通合作、自我管理、成就動機、自 我信念。主動助人指標是能幫助有需要的人;任務領導指標則是能 有效地組織一個團隊給予適當任務;溝通合作則是能有能力進行有 效的社交互動;自我管理包括自我時間與感知情緒管理;成就動機 則是個人被驅使完成卓越的程度;自我信念指對自己能力的信念以 及這些能力如何有助於個人成功。其六大品格信念指標除了成就動 機與自我信念各三題,其他指標各五題,共 26 題。
本研究建構出臺灣在推廣體驗教育課程所培養大專生帶得走的 品格信念能力六大指標,是以臺灣社會情境下所發展之工具,可運 用後續在體驗式學習課程成效評估,且亦能做為後續發展體驗教育 相關課程教案所考量的指標,參考這些元素加以設計體驗情境於課 程活動,更能有效以體驗教育方式培養大專生帶得走的品格信念能 力,進而一輩子都能受用無窮時,即是其評量擁有最大成效。
Experience learning has become a trend in educational activities in Taiwan. All colleges and universities offer experiential learning in for-credit courses, and have applied it in educational practice and academics. This study is an exploration of experiential education. Enhancing students’ character through experience is a mode in which educational organizations are operating. The sharing of game teaching plans is an inspiration for students' character education. Because experiential learning provides a positive teaching strategy, learners canreflect on life and the environment through the personal experience,learn the educational training methods accumulated by knowledge, and improve their ability.
The learners understanding and emotions gained from personalexperience and reflection, because the life experience is transformedafter the reflection of the learning process, providing the re-use of knowledge, forming a life experience, and re-reflecting the transformation of the learning process, and improving the level of knowledge application. And once again form a life experience for learners.
Effective teaching should encourage learners to reflect experienceand build a learning environment. College graduates are about to enter the workplace. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate this group of future leaders. How to give students have the conviction to face the changes in the future environment is the core concept of this research.
This study will focus on the construction of a character belief index in vocational education. Through experiential education for teaching method, teachers cultivate the research tools of the character belief index that the college students can take, and clarify the connotationand type of its indicators. Further clarify and understand theconnotation and type of indicators for the main purpose of this study.
This study first reviews the literature. The purpose of this study is to construct experiential education to train students to take the character conviction scale. This study mainly refer to the basic literacy test for college students, the life effectiveness questionnaire (LEQ), and the development of moral education for the Ministry of Education the six pillars of character. The index scale was compiled by literature review and was constructed by in-depth interviews, expert and scholar questionnaires recommendations, and pretest, formal questionnaire surveys.
Six indicators of character belief capacity are proposed in this research:
(1) Active assistance, task leadership, communication and cooperation, self-management, achievement motivation, self- belief. In the active help indicator is to help those in need;
(2) The task leader indicator is to effectively organize a team to give appropriate tasks;
(3) Communication and cooperation is capable of effective social interaction;
(4) Self-management includes self-time and perceived emotional management;
(5) Achievement motivation is the degree to which an individual is driven to achieve excellence;
(6) Self-belief refers to beliefs about one's abilities and how these abilities contribute to individual success.
In addition to the three questions of achievement motivationand self-belief, the six major indicators of character belief have fivequestions and 26 questions.
This study constructs six indicators of character belief that Taiwan colleges and universities can take in the promotion of experiential education courses. It’s a tool developed under the social situation in Taiwan. This research uses the evaluation of the effectiveness of experiential learning courses, and can also be used as indicators for the follow-up development of experience education related curriculum lesson plans. This study refer to these elements to design experience scenarios for course activities. It is more effective to use the experience education method to cultivate the character belief in junior college students. In the end, it can be used for a lifetime.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Taiwan License.
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