語 言 環 境 分 析 系 統(Language ENvironment Analysis System, LENA system)是一套結合穿戴式錄音裝置和自動化語音處理科技的 新研究工具,美國學者應用此工具於兒童語言研究已多年,並獲得 一些研究成果。這些研究成果證實了自動化語音處理科技,對兒童 語言研究領域的貢獻。然而,應用語言環境分析系統於兒童華語的 研究尚在起步中。本文目的在提供語言環境分析系統相關資訊,並 為未來研發華語自動化語音分析工具,及採用語言環境分析系統之 研究提供建議。文中主要內容如下:(1) 語言環境分析系統之簡介。 (2)研發華語自動化語音分析工具之啟示。(3)應用語言環境分 析系統於華語研究之建議。希冀本文能為華語語言研究引發新觀點 及新突破。
The Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) System is a new research tool that combines a wearable digital recorder and automated speech signal processing technology. The LENA system has been employed by US researchers in the field of child language development for many years. Studies using the LENA system have confirmed the contribution of automated speech signal processing technology to language research; however, the LENA system has infrequently been applied in Chinese language research. This article introduces the LENA system and provides suggestions for its use in future Chinese language research. This article comprises three parts: (1) introduction to the LENA system; (2) inspiration for the developing Chinese automated speech analysis tool; (3) suggestions for Chinese language studies using the LENA system. It is hoped that this article can bring up some new viewpoints and breakthroughs for Chinese language research.
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