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Table of Contents:
Maternal Responsiveness and Preschoolers’ Effortful Control and Aggression: A Cross-Lagged Model
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly/ Volume29 Issue4 / pp.1-30 / 12/30/2021
Impact of Family SES on the Language Development of New Immigrant Children: Using the Chinese Language Ability of New Immigrant Mothers and Time Spent on Parent-child Reading as the Mediators
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly/ Volume29 Issue4 / pp.31-72 / 12/30/2021
Parental Leave and Preschoolers’ Developmental Outcomes
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly/ Volume29 Issue4 / pp.73-118 / 12/30/2021
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Review of “Promoting Well-being In The Pre-school Years: Research, Applications and Strategies.”
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly/ Volume29 Issue4 / pp.119-126 / 12/30/2021
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