In the past, many studies have shown the complexity of the formation the teacher's personal teaching image as well as the influence of the teaching image on the teacher's teaching in class. However, most of those studies have not scrutinized the influence of teacher education curriculum on teacher's teaching image. Therefore, this study attempts to understand how the General Mathematics Course (GMC) of teacher education influences on the mathematics teaching image (MTI) of the elementary school teachers. In this study the researchers had a follow-up examination of the MTI changes of teachers before and after participating in GMC. The results of this study showed the participant teachers turned their MTI from negative and passive to positive and active images when they completed the GMC. It also showed that the different mathematics learning experiences in GMC may lead to changes of in-service teachers' MTI The findings of this study not only have implications for the course design of the teacher education programs, but also provide suggestions for in-service teacher training courses.
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