lication of culturally responsive teaching to prevention of arecanut chewing. In order to examine the obstacles to the mainstreampreventive education and pioneer culturally responsive teaching onareca nut chewing, the researcher of this paper attempted, throughrepeated action research, to record the individual and educationalexperiences with third and fourth graders on areca nut plantations,conduct the fieldwork, establish the applied theater and tour thetheatrical company, and organize gatherings of elderly people in localcommunities and schools.School education is meant to augmentschool-age children’s cultural capital and to be the way that increasessocial mobility. However, the fact that current areca nut preventiveeducation is limited to the threat to health and stigmatization maywell act as a deterrent to schoolchildren before they chew it. It is notsufficient to release them from addiction in real life. The researchfound that the impoverished children in areca nut plantations arepotentially subject to environmental and peer influence, and becomeinvoluntary addicts. The parental teaching by words and by examplesmay develop schoolchildren’s confidence to say “I won’t chew arecanut when I grow up.” Furthermore, disregard of the children'scultural diversity may cause an impediment to their learningbehaviors, and denial of their family social capital can stimulate asense of alienation from schooling. To conclude, this researchre-examines the mainstream preventive education on areca nutchewing, and further introduces culturally responsive teaching, whichis intended to raise school's cultural capital along with school-agechildren's family cultural capital, providing shared understanding andconstant companionship, and develop the strong capacity of the peergroup to recognize and to that end to increase children's family socialcapital.
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