The way to maintain sustainable development is an importantglobal issue. If sustainability education can be developed in theuniversity, this concept will be soon effectively spread to the society.Therefore, the development of a set of assessment indicators tomeasure higher education sustainability practices and performancebecomes a urgent task. The current study uses the definitions ofsustainability according to the Association for the Advancement ofSustainability in Higher Education, University Leaders for aSustainable Future, and the Sierra Youth Coalition, and theirconcepts are expanded into four dimensions: ecosystem health, socialjustice, secured livelihoods, and future performance. In addition, thisstudy also uses the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to analyze theindicators. The survey questionnaires were given to 37 experts ofindustry, government, education, and research and developmentinstitutes. Results show that the indicators of water resourcemanagement, help the disadvantaged, health and welfare, andeducators program are considered the most important. Additionalsuggestions and recommendation were given for further planning andpractice.
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