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The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of textbooks regarding the topic of plane figures. The mainly focus
was to explore the habit of mind subject and further to compare the characteristics of several textbooks from different
publishers for reference in teaching practice.
Quantitative statistics and qualitative descriptions were used to analyze the contents of the three textbooks.
The research found the main two focus of three textbooks were the reasoning with relationships and investigating
invariants, and the proportions of these two habits of mind in the contents were ranging from 89% to 94% in three
textbooks. Furthermore, Textbook N offers the most content regarding nomenclature, unit conversion, and the variations
and conversions of plane figures more than the other two textbooks. Textbook H provides explanations regarding
recognition and classification, describes relationships among characteristics, and uses formulas to solve problems.
Textbook K contains the most content regarding drawing and composition and decomposition of figures. Additionally,
Textbook K uses mirror reflections to explain symmetric figures, manipulates and observes figures to explain that
perimeter does not equal area, practices circle concepts to measure distance, and provides examples to establish the
relationship between the areas of parallelograms and triangles. Textbook H applies congruent triangles to explain that
the angles within a triangle form a straight angle, uses the relationships between parts and wholes in circles to explain
central angles, and  explains the enlarging and reducing of figures via drawing procedures. On the other hand,
Textbook N practices the folding of figures to explore symmetry, uses pegboards to teach how symmetric shapes are
drawn, uses colors and buckles to accentuate figure characteristics, applies instruments to measure and explain the
relationship among PI, circumference, and diameter, and examines and verifies the characteristics of sectors using a
The research extend the findings of previous studies on investigating the number of units and the theme and scope of
characterization, shift focus to explore the cognitive components in textbooks, and provide research in different fields
and perspectives. Suggestions are provided for future research, educational practices, and the improvement of textbook
comparison and analysis.
Author Description: 
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, National Taichung University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan.
Chen, C. H. (2017). Comparison of elementary school mathematics textbooks based on habits of mind. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 25(1), 1-44.