研究原創性/價值個案學校因地處偏遠,校園環境生態豐富,雖過往學生學業成就不高,然教師近年來戮力於環境教育與領域學習之聯結,落實學校本位課程之推展,克服學校位處偏鄉,家長對教育關心程度不足、學生領域學習表現較弱的困境,此課程方案更在2016 年獲教育部教學卓越金質獎之肯定。該校自2003 年開始便有教師自發性組成社群,並將「環境教育」議題納入學校本位課程中,2014 學年度下學期更以「環境之生物多樣性」學校本位課程審核通過,成為屏東縣理念學校。而經過2015 學年度課發會後,學校成員將課程進行階層性的安排與規劃,其內容首重聯結實際的情境脈絡、強化學生的參與及主動學習,其推展歷程值得探究。
在2017 年底偏遠地區學校教育發展條例通過後,偏鄉教育受到更多重視,個案學校之整體課程推動情形值得探究,更可成為欲推行是類課程學校之參酌依據。
This research of the case school focuses on environmental issues and how to improve students’ learning achievements. The goals of this research are to analyze process and the effectiveness of school-based curriculum.
We interviewed the principal, directors, teachers, community volunteers, and students involved in the promotion of the school, collected the relative data of the program’s implementation, observed the educational field, analyzed the effectiveness of the curriculum and made the conclusions.
The conclusions are as follows: 1. In this case study, the development process of school-based curriculum includes: (1) budding-root-preparatory phase, (2) running-communication-touching phase, (3) cohesive-strategies-developing phase, and (4) deep-plowing-harvest-sophisticated phase. 2. In the development process, the key factors and behaviors will be the driving force to its development. 3. This curriculum program will benefit parents, teachers, students, and local environmental development. Finally, the suggestions are offered to this case study.
The case school is located in a remote area and its campus environment is abundant in ecology. Although students’ learning achievements were not high in the past, teachers have focused on the linkage between environmental education and fields learning in recent years. In 2016, this program also won the golden award of teaching excellence by overcoming the plight of the school’s remote location, the weakness of family, and the weakness of students’ achievement. Ever since 2003, teachers have spontaneously organized the learning community and included the “environmental education” in the school-based curriculum. In the second semester of 2014, this school was selected as Pingtung’s charter school due to its biological diversity curriculum. Through the curriculum development committee meeting in 2015, teachers arranged and planned the courses hierarchically. This program focused on connecting with the real situation, strengthening students' participation and active learning.
Implications for policy/practice
With the implementing of the remote school’s development act in the end of 2017, people pay more attention to remote schools’ education. After we come to further understand the context of this curriculum, it can serve as a reference for schools.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Taiwan License.
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