From past research, it has been identified that game-based learning enables students to achieve education goals by improving their motivation and learning achievement. Therefore, many teachers try to add course content to the game elements to improve students' interest in the subject. However, although game-based learning has a positive impact on learning, there are still students who are limited by the lack of knowledge to continue the game. Therefore, this research proposes to enhance students’ knowledge level in two ways: "hint" and "detailed explanation." Additionally, it explores which learning strategies have a positive effect on students' learning achievement, learning motivation and cognitive load.
This research develops a game-based learning system by adding two functions, hints and detailed answers, into the system, and randomly divides the research objects into two groups. Research objects can use the system practice course content during the experiment, and the system will give hints or detailed answers. Quizzes and questionnaires will be conducted before and after the experiment and the results will be analyzed.
The results indicate that if the game-based learning system is added with hints or detailed answers, the students' learning achievements can be significantly improved, and further, the applicability of students with different knowledge levels can be analyzed. The students with low knowledge level can benefit from detailed answers. Students with moderate level of knowledge can achieve the same improvement effect using either hints or detailed answers; hints or detailed answers do not have significant influence on students with high knowledge level.
In the past, game-based learning research focused on measuring the learning achievement of a student, but seldom discussed the learning process. In this study, we discussed the learning process in which insufficient knowledge creates learning difficulties. Therefore, this research proposes the application of hints or detailed answers in the game-based learning process. Based on the above experiment’s results, it shows that the use of hints or detailed answers in the game process can not only help students to have significant improvement in learning achievement, but additionally, it can significantly reduce the cognitive load of students.
Implications for policy/practice
Teachers usually use test results as judgment of success in learning, but the learning process is not simply result-oriented. In many cases, if you can aid students in the learning process at the right time, it is helpful, and even guides the direction of thinking. Therefore, in this research, in addition to using grades as the basis for learning success or failure, the teaching process is also the direction of exploration.
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