國內 100 位學童中只有 0.022 位被鑑定為雙重特殊需求,遠低於文獻推估(郭靜姿、陳彥瑋,2022)。依據特殊教育法,雙重特殊需求學生因需要同時符合資優與身心障礙的鑑定標準,因此國小一般智力資優學生在個別智力量表中智商必須達到 130 分或百分等級97 以上。然而受到遮蔽效應的影響,身心障礙學生常達不到鑑定標準而失去參與資優教育機會。美國資優兒童協會於 2018 年建議運用魏氏兒童智力量表第五版之擴展性和調整性指數鑑定雙重特殊需求學生,以發掘雙重特殊需求學生的優勢,確保其接受資優教育服務的機會。因此本研究的目的在分享如何透過政策制定及行動歷程將運用擴展性指數的概念落實於雙重特殊需求學生的發掘。
要改變傳統固定的資優鑑定方式並不容易,需要教育行政人員、特殊教育學者、教育心理學家、測驗專家和學校教師間大量的溝通與協調,因此決策的過程通常耗時費力。政策及公共政策發展代表一個動態的過程,其運作過程可以區分為五個階段:1. 政策問題形成階段,2. 政策規劃,3. 政策合法化,4. 政策執行,5. 政策評估(Anderson, 2003)。本研究參考互動式政策制定模式(Interactive policy-making model)(Driessen et al., 2001)的六個階段進行政策溝通及執行歷程,以期達成政策修訂及合法化的目的,並順利進行推廣。在政策改變的過程中,本研究作者於 2019 年在教育部科學指導委員會取得教育部支持,指示加強推動雙重特殊需求學生的發掘及培育工作,而後與教育部國教署進行溝通與討論,並由國教署發布相關推動要點,繼而整合資優教育與身心障礙教育學者專家意見,採用多種宣傳形式與教師及行政人員溝通,喚起減少雙重特殊需求學生教育機會落差、發展優勢才能的概念。本研究記錄了決策過程中,參與專家、教育行政人員、評估人員與特教老師的建議,並針對質性資料進行編碼和分析,用以呈現相關政策形成、推動歷程及執行成效。
The amount of twice-exceptional (2e) students is far lower than theoretical estimates indicate it should be. In a sample of 100 elementary school students in Taiwan, only 0.022% of the students were identified as 2e (Kuo & Chen, 2022). According to Taiwan’s Special Education Act (2019), for students to be considered 2e, they must meet the identification standards for both giftedness and disability. Some students with disability may not reach the current standard for giftedness and therefore not be provided with the opportunity to receive gifted education services. In the United States, the National Association for Gifted Children (2018) recommends that examiners assessing giftedness use the expanded and ancillary index scores of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V) to identify 2e children. The present study presents the efforts toward policymaking and action in Taiwan related to implementing the use of the expanded and ancillary index scores of the WISC-V to identify 2e students and thereby provide them with an opportunity to develop their talents.
According to Friedrich and Mason (1941), public policy is a proposed course of action for a person, group, or government within a given environment with opportunities and obstacles that the policy was proposed to leverage and overcome, respectively, to realize an objective or purpose. The present study revised and legalized policies related to a specific group of stakeholders. To achieve this, the interactive policymaking model proposed by Driessen et al. (2001) was used for policy communication and implementation. The goal was to promote the use of the expanded and ancillary index scores of the WISC-V for identifying 2e students so that these students could be provided with additional opportunities to develop their talents. The researchers engaged in discussions with the Ministry of Education and the K-12 Education Administration, collected expert opinions on gifted education and disability, and used multiple advocacy to communicate the concepts of equity gaps with teachers and administrators. The opinions of these stakeholders were recorded, and the qualitative data were coded and analyzed to develop decision-making and action processes.
The study revealed that educational authorities, experts, and teachers believed that promoting the educational rights of students with special needs is crucial. However, we observed diverse perspectives regarding how to reduce equity gaps for these students and regarding the methods that should be adopted to assist students with disabilities. The six stages of policymaking and action proposed in this study can be used as a reference for individuals engaging in top-down promotion of education policy.
The interactive policymaking model was used to communicate and implement new policies aimed at improving identification of 2e students and to minimize obstacles to subsequent policy implementation. The approach integrates theoretical knowledge with practical needs, effectively supporting 2e students. By promoting equal educational opportunities, the study can assist educators in nurturing the talent development of 2e students in Taiwan and thereby assist these students in achieving a better future.
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