日文稱為「教員免許更新制」的日本教師換證制度,是自2000年開始研 議的一項確保教師資質能與時俱進的品質保障方案,該制度經2007年修法通過 後,於2009年正式實施。其實施目的除確保師資的素質外,亦具提高教師專業 能力意涵。依該制度之規定,日本公私立中小學教師及持有教師證書者,在教 師證書持照每滿10年時,需赴文部科學省所認可之大學參加30小時以上的換證 講習課程,成績及格後才得申請換證。本研究之主旨即在於介紹日本教師換證 制度,經從相關文獻中分析其成立經過、內容架構及實施前後在制度、執行與 配套等層面之檢討,並提出「解決換證制度問題應回歸調整師資培育系統」、 「政策理念及目標要與配套周延設計」、「行政機關與大學在換證制度中應負一 定責任」與「重新檢視我國是否需要實施教師換證制度」等啟示,期能提供我 國在規劃相關政策時之參考。
The current teacher license renewal system in Japan was introduced to enhance the quality assurance program that had been in place since the year 2000. The program was established to ensure that teachers’ professional knowledge and skills would be maintained, and further developed to keep pace with the changing times. This system was established with laws upgraded in 2007, and set forth in 2009. The purpose of implementing this system was not only to ensure teachers’ professionalism, but also to upgrade teachers’ professional skills. According to the regulations of this renewal system, all public and private school teachers and license holders in Japan are responsible for satisfying the renewal system requirements by enrolling in government approved college or university networks for at least 30 hours of lectures every ten years and passing tests related to each lecture. Teachers need to document the completion of the courses when applying to renew their teaching licenses at local boards of education. By analyzing the legislative process, content, structure, critiques, and supporting policies of the renewal system from related documents, this paper aims to introduce the Japanese system, and provides four recommendations to authorities in Taiwan in regards to the necessity for establishing teacher license renewal policies.
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