分析美國認知心理學者 J. Bruner 敘事學的內涵、發展與緣起,討論其與文化理論和語言發展的關係,並重新思考敘事學在 Bruner認知心理學相關論述中的定位。
本研究以文獻分析法分析 1985 到 2002 年 Bruner 敘事學的第一手著作。
研究指出 Bruner 的敘事學與其文化及語言發展理論有密切的關係,而 Bruner 的敘事學內涵討論文化如何塑造個人的內在敘事、個人的敘事影響其對人我關係和世界的認知,以及對教學現場的啟發。有鑒於此,未來對 Bruner 的敘事學的研究重點應討論文化塑造的共同記憶「大我」如何影響個人內在心理機制的過程。
Bruner 敘事學廣泛運用於各領域,但多半將其視為資料分析的工具,少有研究討論其與 Bruner 其他學術論述的關係,因此本研究的目的在幫助未來的研究者正確理解 Bruner 敘事學的重要性。
為了反映真實世界的樣貌,教學現場需幫助學生處理多元文化的價值觀和衝突。理解 Bruner 的敘事學有助於教育工作者以敘事學為工具,掌握文化對於個人認知和語言發展的影響。
This study analyzes the content, development, and origins of the narrative theory proposed by American cognitive psychologist J. Bruner. It examines the theory’s relationship with cultural theory and language development and reexamines the narrative theory’s position within Bruner’s discourse on cognitive psychology.
This research employs a literature analysis method, focusing on Bruner’s primary works on narrative theory published between 1985 and 2002.
The study finds that Bruner’s narrative theory is closely related to his theories of cultural theory and language development. It explores how culture shapes individuals' internal narratives, how these narratives influence their perceptions of interpersonal relationships and the world, and the implications for educational practices. The findings suggest that future research on Bruner’s narrative theory should emphasize how culturally shaped collective memory (Self) influences individual internal psychological mechanisms.
Although Bruner’s narrative theory has been widely applied across various fields, it is often treated merely as a tool for data analysis. Few studies have investigated its relationship with Bruner’s other academic discourses. This study aims to bridge this gap and provide future researchers with a deeper understanding of the significance of Bruner’s narrative theory.
Implications for policy/practice
To better reflect the complexities of the real world, educational settings should help students navigate diverse cultural values and conflicts. Understanding Bruner’s narrative theory enables educators to utilize it as a framework to examine the impact of culture on individual cognition and language development.
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