Humanism in the Digital Age: Reading “The Theory of Educational Technology” by Rupert Wegerif and Louis Major 當代教育研究季刊 / 32 卷 4 期 / pp. 101-116 / 2024年12月31日線上出刊彭聖翔、張至慶DOI: 10.6151/CERQ.202412_32(4).0004全文: CERQ-05-Sheng-Hsiang Lance Peng, Chih-Ching Chang-Humanism in the Digital Age Reading The Theory of Educational Technology by Rupert Wegerif and Louis Major.pdf
評介《想像力與創意思考》 當代教育研究季刊 / 31 卷 3 期/ pp. 107-120 /2023年9月30日線上出刊彭聖翔、張至慶DOI: 10.6151/CERQ.202309_31(3).0004全文: CERQ-05-彭聖翔、張至慶-Think Outside the Box (and onto Transcendent-Instructive Contexts) A Review of Imagination and Creative Thinking by Amy Kind.pdf