It is not until recent years, when educators reflected on the effectiveness of educational reform, that organizational culture has become one of the concerns of the educators in Taiwan. In Taiwan, about 70% of the kindergartens are privately owned,and their organizational cultures are quite different from those of the public ones. This phenomenon makes the topic of “organizational culture” even more significant for early childhood education as compared to other levels of the school systems.However, the topic did not get the attention it deserves in the literature. Because of the above reasons, this article aims at proposing some directions for future research. I will first try to have a bird’s view on the history and development of the researchon organizational culture, in order to understand the diversity of concepts, themes, and approaches that emerged in the literature. Based on this frame of background knowledge, the organizational culture studies of schools in Taiwan will be briefly reviewed. Finally, from the ecological perspective and using some important issues of early childhood education, the possible research themes and approaches for future research are suggested.
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