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研究者為解決在教學現場發現的問題,採取「計畫、行動、觀察、 反思」循環之行動研究法。以Wallace(1991)的「反思性師培模型」為基礎,在18週教學時間中設計與實施課程。研究對象為修習研究者所教授「華語文課程與教學設計研究」之華語文教學碩士班研究生9位,真實教學學生來源為就讀於北區某大學之外籍學生23名。採取以質性為主、量化為輔的研究方法。師資生需將理論知識與經驗知識相互印證、靠練習來發展行動所得的知識,再與觀察所得的知識相互對照,透過「練習、反思、再練習、再反思」不斷循環以獲得華語文教學專業知能。
研究結果有二:一是建立以反思為主的華語文教學實務課程,二是師資生在參與此課程後,教學專業知能獲得增長。根據質性資料發現,師資生在態度方面能透過反思主動學習,在知識方面能透過反思獲取知識,在技能方面能透過反思運用所學,在自我意識方面能透過反思了解自我,以達到A +ASK的課程目標。由量化資料發現,師資生在參與本課程後,在課程滿意度方面,學生學習成果導向問卷之平均數為4.90,為研究者所開設三次課程中最高者,且較全系、全院、全校,以及全校碩士班課程之平均數為高,顯示師資生的對本課程的滿意度極高。
To enable students who receive training to be Chinese language teachers to apply what they learn in their teaching professions through reflection.
This action study employed the cycle of “planning, acting, observing, and reflecting” to solve the problems identified in classrooms. A course was designed and implemented over an 18-week period of teacher training on the basis of the reflective model of teacher education (Wallace, 1991). The participants were 9 students from the graduate program of teaching Chinese as a second language, who were enrolled in the Chinese language curriculum design research course led by the investigator. The students being taught by the participants were 23 foreign students from a university in northern Taiwan. This study was a qualitative study with a supplementary quantitative research process. The participants were required to verify theoretical knowledge with experiential knowledge, develop their knowledge through practical actions, and compare this practical knowledge with the knowledge earned from observations. Thus, the participants earned professional knowledge on Chinese language teaching through the repeated cycle of “practicing and reflecting.”
In this study, a reflection-based Chinese language teaching practical course was established, and the participants acquired their professional teaching knowledge and skills after participating in the course. The qualitative data revealed that the participants learned proactively, acquired knowledge, applied what they learned, and understood themselves through reflections, achieving the goals of the A +ASK course. The quantitative data indicated that these participants scored an average of 4.90 on their course satisfaction in the questionnaire centering on learning outcomes. This score was the highest out of all the three courses opened by the investigator. The average satisfaction score was also higher than any of the other courses in the department, in the college, in the university, and in the graduate program. Accordingly, the participants were extremely satisfied with the course.
There are two aspects of the meanings and values of this study. Not only do the results of this study provide a basis for course model development, but they also enable students trained to be teachers to incorporate theoretical learnings in teaching practices. The results of this study provide a key reference for designing Chinese language teaching practical courses.
Horizontal and vertical connections of Chinese language teacher training courses should be reinforced. Specifically, professors within and outside universities should be invited to coparticipate in improving the design and implementation of Chinese language teaching practical courses. Research results should be reflected and reproduced in the classroom environment. The results of this study are expected to improve teaching practice, facilitate the implementation of education theories, and stimulate the dialogue and resonance between researchers and instructors.
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