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本研究以榮獲「教育部校長領導卓越獎」第一、二屆得獎校長中之24位為對象,探討其在學校實際推動的創新性領導作為,包含:推動的措施、決策方式、推動策略、困難因應、校長本身對推動成效的評估,以及其對其他校長推動創新性領導作為之建議等。本研究並調查495位學校教師對校長創新性領導措施的認知、支持與成效的看法。研究採用訪談及問卷調查法進行,結果發現:<br /> 一、得獎校長所推動的創新性領導措施,集中在「技術與業務」、「管理實務」、「策略思考」層次,至於「哲學思考」層次的創新則較缺乏。<br /> 二、得獎校長之創新性領導措施之決策方式,大多數重視同仁意見分享,採參與決策方式。<br /> 三、得獎校長在推動創新性領導作為時,所遭遇的困難有三方面:人員因素、組織因素,以及環境因素。本文並整理得獎校長所推動之困難及因應策略。<br /> 四、有關得獎校長對創新性領導作為之成效評估,結果顯示實用主義色彩濃厚,重視實際績效表現,以爭取外界認同。<br /> 五、得獎校長提出創新性領導作為之建議,包括:領導者、人員、組織、環境資源、價值願景等五面向。<br /> 六、問卷調查結果顯示學校教師對得獎校長所推動創新性領導措施之「瞭解」與「支持」度皆高,對其「成效」亦有良好之評價。<br /> 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出六項啟示性建議以供參酌。
<div> The purpose of this study is to understand the innovative leadership of the winners of the Outstanding Leadership Award, R.O.C.. Research issues include innovative practice, policy-making, difficulties and coping strategies etc.. The 24 award winners in 2004 and 2005 were interviewed, and 495 teachers in the winners' schools were asked to fill in questionnaires. Results indicate that the initiated innovative practice tend to focus on techniques , management and strategic thinking rather than philosophy. The principals' innovative concepts are mainly based on product and process perspectives. The principals prefer the participative style for innovative policy-making. Difficulties and coping strategies for the principals in implementing school innovation can be divided into personnel, organization and environment domains. The principals adopt pragmatic orientation in pursuing school recognition. They suggest five perspectives for leading school innovation, including leaders themselves, school personnel, organization, resource and vision. In addition, results of the questionnaire survey show that teachers tend to understand and support the principals' innovation, and give positive evaluations for the effectiveness. Based on the findings, six suggestions are proposed.</div>
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