Drawing upon the social control theory, low self-control theory and social learning theory, this study tried to find how attachment, low self-control and deviant peer would influence juvenile delinquency. Sample of the study consisted of 734 junior high school students from Taipei City, New Taipei city, Taichung City, Kaohsiung City, Taitung City, and Taitung County by a random stratified-cluster sampling. Structure equation modeling was used to test the model. The results of this study found that: (1) attachment was related to delinquency, low self-control, and association with deviant peers; (2) as the indirect effects analysis showed, low self-control and association with deviant peers were the mediators for the relationship between attachment and juvenile delinquency; (3) association with deviant peers has a central role to play in mediation between low self-control and juvenile delinquency. Based on the research results, several suggestions for guidance and further studies were also provided.
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