本研究以中小學教師專業發展評鑑試辦方案為客體,運用統計控制及理論導向評鑑(theory-driven evaluation)進行方案影響評估(impact assessment)。針對全國參與試辦之高中職與國民中小學行政人員與教師進行問卷調查,並以方案要素(支持系統、方案活動)及方案成果進行資料分析。結果顯示,在支持系統與方案活動的介入要素中,宣導溝通落實情形優於教師研討與自評、教師他評與成長、及諮詢輔導,而在方案成果上,以教師教學能力提升之成果最顯著,其次是評鑑認知的增進、及學校生態的改變。此外,為確認方案介入所產生之影響,首以統計控制將支持系統與方案活動依落實程度分為高、中、低三組,結果得到三組之方案成果具顯著差異;次以理論導向評鑑方法進行檢視,發現支持系統與方案活動對於方案成果,皆具顯著之解釋力。總結本研究之實施,一方面呈現了有別於傳統實驗設計的影響評估方法,另一方面則提供了具體數據,指陳需要有效落實以達成教師專業發展評鑑目標的方案要素。
Using the pilot program of teacher evaluation for professional development (TEPD) as an object, this study employed statistical control technique and theory-driven evaluation to assess the program impact. Administrators and teachers in primary and secondary schools attending the program were surveyed. Program components, including program supporting system and program activities, as well as program outcome, were covered in the data analysis. It was found that "training and communication" was the highly implemented program component, better than the other three components: "teacher discussions and self-assessment," "peer assessment and teacher growth," and "consultation and guidance." And the enhancement of teaching was the most obvious outcome observed, the score of which was higher than the advancement of evaluation cognition and the change of school ecology. In addition, in order to examine the program impact, three groups reflecting different degrees of program implementation were classified firstly using statistical control technique. Significant differences of program outcomes were found among the three groups. Secondly, it was revealed from the theory-driven evaluation analysis that both the supporting system and program activities significantly predicted program effects. In conclusion, this study not only used a new method of impact assessment distinguishing its features from the traditional experimental design but also identified the program components which are essential to effectively achieve the goal of TEPD program.
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