- 師培機構的課程改革投入程度有落差,而主管的領導、教師的投入、學生的引導以及甄選的配套是課程變革落實與否的關鍵。
- 師培機構對《教師專業素養暨課程基準》中的「各專業課程類別最低學分數的增減」特別是實踐課程的學分數規定以及「實地服務時數取消」較有異議。
- 師培機構在實施《教師專業素養暨課程基準》的過程中面臨「行政端」、「教師端」、「學生端」的困境與挑戰,部分機構亦發展出因應策略。
- 師培機構面臨之困境體現於行政、教師與學生三個部分,且部分存在機構屬性之差異。
- 目前相關研究仍多為單一學校為個案進行個案經驗分享或學者意見評論,雖有一篇實證研究,但缺乏以師資培育機構觀點之實證文獻。
This study examines whether teacher education institutions have made curriculum changes conforming to Taiwan (R.O.C.)’s policy document “Guidance for R.O.C. teacher professional competence- Standard for pre-service teacher education curriculum”. This study also investigates the challenges, and coping strategies experienced by institutions in the process of implementing the policy.
Through a purposive sampling, we selected 20 secondary school teacher education institutions (out of the 40 institutions in Taiwan) based on the regions and the characteristics of the institutions. Accordingly, 20 directors and 20 administrative staff from these institutions were interviewed in a semi-structured manner.
1. There were varying levels of commitment to the curriculum reform in the teacher education institutions. The keys to the full implementation of the curriculum change were the leadership of supervisors, the commitment of teachers, the guidance for students, and the supplementary measures for screening and selection.
2. The teacher education institutions generally disagreed an element of the policy, that of an "increase or decrease of the minimum number of credits for each professional course category", most notably the requirement of the number of credits for practical courses and the elimination of field service hours.
3. In the process of implementing the policy, teacher education institutions experienced challenges and difficulties at administration, teacher, and student levels. We observed that some institutions developed their own coping strategies.
4. These challenges at administration, teacher, and student levels forced challenges for each institution that varied depending on their characteristics.
1. Previous studies investigated single-school cases in terms of experience sharing and scholarly critique. Although there is one empirical study, there is still a lack of empirical literature from the perspective of teacher education institutions.
2. This study examines the implementation methods, problems, and coping strategies from the perspectives of 20 secondary school teacher education institutions, which gives a broader perspective of the status of the implementation of this curriculum reform, and compiles relevant strategies and suggestions as a reference for teacher education institutions and government authorities for policy revision.